
Alicia Navarro, Founder and CEO of Skimbit  stopped by the other day to give us a quick overview of their main product – Skimlinks.

What an ingenious tool.

In a nutshell…

1)      Insert a line of Skimlinks code into each page on your website (including forums)

2)      You write content as you always did – this may include writing product reviews…

3)      You link to the product so people can find out more or even purchase it

4)      The user clicks on the link so they can find out more

5)      Skimlinks takes note of where the user is headed (on the fly)

6)      Skimlinks identifies whether this supplier is part of their affiliate network

7)      Skimlinks pays you the affiliate fee they’ve agreed with that supplier

What’s particularly interesting is that this model works best in social media/forums environments where users are recommending products to their network of friends.

Forums are historically difficult to monetise, so I look forward to seeing how this revenue model pans out.  

from on .

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