Beyond Test Driven Development: Behaviour Driven Development

A great Google Tech Talk talk by Dave Astels about the next step after Test Driven Development: Behaviour Driven Development (in Ruby).

Dave goes on to explain that “Behaviour Driven Development is what you’re doing already… if you’re doing Test Driven Development very well…”


Google TechTalks
March 17, 2006
Dave has been studying, practicing, teaching, evangelising, and coaching XP and Agile Processes since 1998. Dave’s experience ranges from embedded process control systems to consumer products (both consumer electronics and shrinkwrapped software) to energy trading systems.
Dave is an independant software consultant specializing in the areas of agile process, programming practices,…

Dave Astels

Dave Astels (co-author of “” and author of Jolt Award winning ““) has over 2 decades of experience in the software field, most of that involved with object-oriented technologies and techniques.

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3 Responses to “Beyond Test Driven Development: Behaviour Driven Development”

  1. It’s from a few weeks that I’m interested in BDD, but I can’t find any books on this particular subjects. Do you have some suggestions?

  2. [...] Beyond Test Driven Development: Behaviour Driven Development | Agile101 [...]

  3. Giorgio,

    The RSpec book is excellent:

    It is currently in beta – you will get the eBook for now until it is ready for print.