Interfaces and the Future of Ruby

An interesting Google Tech Talk by Yehuda Katz on the subject of Interfaces and the future of Ruby.

Yehuda Katz, a new member of the Rails Core Ream, has been working with Ruby and Rails since before Rails 1.0. He is the lead developer of the Merb project, which recently announced a merger with Rails.

Yehuda is co-author of jQuery in Action, a contributor to Ruby in Practice, and is currently working on Merb in Action, set to be the first Merb book on the market.


Google Tech Talk
August 13, 2009


Presented at the Ruby Meet Up by Yehuda Katz.

Yehuda will walk you through some of the new features in Rails 3, including how Rails has become significantly more modular, making it easier than ever to replace a part of Rails with an equivalent component.

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