Archive for taraleewhitaker

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Agile Programme Management and Epic Boards…

The more I use the Epic Board, the more I love it.

Make no mistake about it, I don’t think this tool should (or could) replace a Scrum Task Board – it’s totally different…

10Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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Velocity can be used to measure the output of any team…

var dzone_style=”2″;Velocity is a measure of how much work a team can complete in a set period of time.  It is measured in Story Points and although it was originally created for use in Software Development scenarios, it can be used in just about every type of team scenario.
Velocity can be measured assuming you have… :

1 team (1 [...]

10Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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What’s my team velocity?

I often get asked how an existing team would go about determining their Velocity (the average amount of work a team can complete in a set period of time), so I thought I’d write a post about how we’ve done it in the past…

10Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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var dzone_style=”2″;I just found out about Mozilla’s new ‘experimental’ content authoring tool – Ubiquity.
Similar to Zemanta, Ubiquity allows you to easily ‘Accessorise’ your email/blog/journalistic content with related content.
What makes Ubiquity different is that it integrates /mashups with other tools e.g. your personal calendar, google maps etc.  Interesting…
Check out the introductory video:
Related articles:

Announcing Ubiquity 0.5 [...]

9Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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Alicia Navarro, Founder and CEO of Skimbit stopped by the other day to give us a quick overview of their main product – Skimlinks.

What an ingenious tool.

9Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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Andraž Tori, CTO and co-founder of Zemanta stopped by the other day to give us an overview of their product offering…

9Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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Lean, Scrum, Scrum of Scrums and Epic Boards!

So, when do you use Scrum practices, when should you consider Lean practices and when should you consider using Epic Boards?

8Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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Introducing the Agile Epic Board

The inspiration for this tool was the good old Scrum Task Board, a hugely useful Collaboration, Planning and Project Management tool. However, the strength and the limitation of Task Boards rest with the fact that they are focused at an iteration level. Cards on the board represent stories and tasks being addressed by a single team during a single iteration.

8Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 9 comments | Continued
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Doing Scrum properly isn’t always the answer

var dzone_style=”2″;I have worked on quite a number of Agile projects (+100) over the past few years – usually taking on the role of either Scrum Master or Product Owner.
I have worked on projects being delivered by a single team with one Product Owner.  I have also worked on projects being delivered by multiple teams, [...]

7Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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