Project Management

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Managing Scrum projects alongside BAU

The most practical application of Scrum (i.e. the easiest to manage!) exists at the interface between those that own individual products and those that deliver the incremental enhancements to those products. In a multi-purpose team environment (i.e. where the team delivering your predictable roadmap is also the team required to address live defects – BAU), it becomes more challenging to commit to a sprint of work (without interruption) because you can’t just leave a critical live defect… live …

8Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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Doing Scrum properly isn’t always the answer

var dzone_style=”2″;I have worked on quite a number of Agile projects (+100) over the past few years – usually taking on the role of either Scrum Master or Product Owner.
I have worked on projects being delivered by a single team with one Product Owner.  I have also worked on projects being delivered by multiple teams, [...]

7Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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