All Posts Tagged With: "Software Project Management"

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Agile Programme Management Increases Flexibility

There are numerous benefits to adopting Agile ideals and introducing Scrum/Kanban-esque practices at a programme level. One of these benefits is increased flexibility, which in turn offers improved output, reduced time-to-market and increased value.

14Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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Does Agile Programme Management Exist?

So, the following questions are justified:

* What is Agile Programme Management?
* What is Agile Portfolio Management?
* Is it possible to efficiently and effectively manage a Programme of Software Development Projects in an Agile way?

13Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 1 comment | Continued
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Whiteboards & Agile Teams – Give us walls but don’t divide us!

I just heard about this great new product from Idea Paint – it’s paint that can turn all of your walls into whiteboards(!) This is clearly an excitingly geeky prospect for any Agile team.

13Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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Minimising the impact of Sprint disruptions

One of the biggest challenges we’ve faced is trying to balance project work or product development with business-as-usual (BAU) work that can’t necessarily be anticipated – how do you manage the risk of disruption?

10Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 3 comments | Continued
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Agile Programme Management and Epic Boards…

The more I use the Epic Board, the more I love it.

Make no mistake about it, I don’t think this tool should (or could) replace a Scrum Task Board – it’s totally different…

10Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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Velocity can be used to measure the output of any team…

var dzone_style=”2″;Velocity is a measure of how much work a team can complete in a set period of time.  It is measured in Story Points and although it was originally created for use in Software Development scenarios, it can be used in just about every type of team scenario.
Velocity can be measured assuming you have… :

1 team (1 [...]

10Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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What’s my team velocity?

I often get asked how an existing team would go about determining their Velocity (the average amount of work a team can complete in a set period of time), so I thought I’d write a post about how we’ve done it in the past…

10Jul2009 | taraleewhitaker | 0 comments | Continued
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