Measuring Programmer Productivity – A scientific study

An interesting Google Tech Talk by Vikram Aggarwal and Viral Shah. In this talk, Vikram and Viral suggest ways to measure Programmer Productivity and share the results of various scientific studies conducted in this area.

This talk is targeted towards more technical individuals, however those of us that are less ‘techy’ can still benefit from their top-level insight.


Google Tech Talks
September 9, 2006

Vikram Aggarwal
Viral Shah

ABSTRACT: Developers have been programming for the last 30 years in a wide variety of programming languages. Over the years, we have all developed a feeling for what it is in a programming language that makes us productive as programmers.

As part of the DARPA HPCS (High Productivity Computing Systems) program, we are developing models and tools to measure programmer productivity. We will describe our data gathering process, and our effort to model programmer work flows using Timed Markov Models.

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2 Responses to “Measuring Programmer Productivity – A scientific study”

  1. Comment by: Shah Manish (As posted on Dzone)

    your study information is really very good i like it we also good services provide face recognition system biometric fnger print reader etc.

  2. Billy says:

    Programming has moved to another level and open source has become the buzz word of the industry. Thanks for the post.