Financial Planning

Agile Software Project Management – Secure Funding and Deliver Value
When securing funding, prioritising and/or scheduling the delivery of a series of requirements, a Product Owner or Product Manager must consider a number of factors.
Some of these factors might include…
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Self-Funding Projects – A Benefit of Agile Software Development
One of the many benefits of developing software in an iterative way is that you can start realising the benefit of your work before the project is officially ‘finished’.
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Value Points – Estimating the relative value of a User Story
Value Points can be used to measure the relative value of stories using a Fibonnaci Sequence. Although not appropriate or particularly necessary in all cases e.g. primarily when you have an omni-present Product Manager, these can be a useful way to prioritise and convey relative importance to a team. This approach becomes increasingly useful as teams scale to cover multiple projects combined with Business As Usual activities.
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Calculating the ROI of Implementing Agile Practices – Agile increases output and efficiency
So, it’s no secret that one of the big benefits of ‘going agile’ is the ability/opportunity to track and optimise team performance.
The big question from a programme management and business perspective is:
How do you measure the operational costs/savings associated with improved efficiency or increased disruption within an Agile Software Development team?
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